Friday, October 20, 2017


Hi all,

I wake up before 4:30.  It's usually before the sun, and before anyone else in my life wants to wake up (except maybe Jake, my puppy dog).  This means I get a jump on my day, and it means I'm awake and peppy by the time I'm ready to interact with other humans (I'm a teacher).  Sometimes, it means I get an exercise in, but not usually - at least lately.  Most of my workout buddies have had kids, or aren't willing to be at school for a 6 am workout. 

Anyway, being a morning person is kind of annoying.  It leads to time (like this time) where I am pretty much alone, even in a crowded room.  I suppose this loneliness can be channeled, and I suppose I do a decent job of that, but it's not the same as not being lonely.  However . . . I'd rather be a morning person than a stay up late, get to work late sort of guy.  I'd rather have some alone time in the morning than none at all, since I live a pretty social life. 

I guess I need some feedback from the evening people in my life.  I wake up perky, ready to rock and roll, and especially once my veins flow with caffeine, probably a bit nudgy.  At night, I exhibit the same symptoms that most non morning people exhibit in the morning (falling asleep on myself, grumpy, less sentient, etc.)   

Hope you're having a great day so far!

~Mark the morning man

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