Sunday, September 2, 2018

Optimism in the face of negativity

Hi all,

It's been a long time since I blogged.  I guess I feel the need to get this off my chest.  I like to believe that the world, and people in it, are good.  Sometimes things happen that challenge that belief, but I think it's still important to maintain it.  For instance.  My significant other has an ex husband that is not a very nice person.  He seems to put what's best for him above what's best for their 6 year old daughter.  Instead of being able to move her to a 6 acre field with a garden and a swingset, he wants her to stay in his town, where she lives next to a halfway house, drug deals and a neighborhood riddled with crime and sex offenders.  Well, I find it hard to believe that he'd actually make that choice if he'd carefully evaluated the options for the safety and security of his daughter.  But in effect, this is what his choices have led to.  Instead of being able to move and halve her rent, my significant other needs to stay in his town or a 20 minute radius, so that he has easy access to his daughter . . . despite the fact that usually parents can only block out of state moves.  In fact, no one I have talked to about this has ever heard of a ruling like this.  How can I understand his motives and come up with anything other than self interest and selfishness?  I want to believe he has his daughter's best interest at heart . . . but wouldn't that lead to a decision that leaves her mother with more time, more help, and less cost, even if it meant that he'd have to drive a little more?

At any rate, I'm struggling to see the good, but I hope I can.  Even though it makes my life harder and more expensive, I guess I have to keep believing that what seems selfish and short sighted might have some motives I'm not seeing.

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