Sunday, August 13, 2017

Justifiable anger?

Hi all,

Sometimes I struggle with being angry about things.  I know, most of you probably do too.  However, when is it ok for a mind like mine to be enraged?  Lots of things set me off, but I've never been in a fight.  I usually choose calm, middle of the road reactions to things, but sometimes I get really upset because people treat me poorly.  Either they take me for granted, leave me out of things that matter, or do what they feel like without regard for my feelings.  When this happens, is it justifiable to be angry?  Should I stop feeling these feelings because my brain chemistry isn't normal?  Should I endeavor to hide them or bottle them?  Or is it a sign that I'm manic?  Can I be mad but not unhealthy?

I think I'm partially mad this morning because our country and more specifically our president isn't dealing with the racism that is rampant in our society.  I don't fucking understand why he couldn't just condemn the white supremacist rally where people died instead of saying, "but the other side did it too!"  I don't think he's an out and out racist.  But I do think he is disinterested in coming to the table to confront these sorts of issues, instead either blowing them off or saying that they're liberal snowflakes who have nothing to complain about.  I'd imagine he's just barely smart enough to realize that that sort of statement would result in his impeachment.  So instead, he dances around it.  He says the people standing up to racism and bigotry are part of the problem because they're peacefully protesting.  He tries to imply that if they weren't there, the asshole who hit them wouldn't have gotten mad. 

But when something is wrong, is it not a justifiable, normal reaction to be angry?  And what is normal, anyway?  As a friend of mine's father once said, "normal ain't nothing but a setting on a dryer."  If I choose apathy when things are wrong out of a fear that my demons are getting to me, I think I'm a lesser citizen and a lesser person.  I have to truly feel the emotions in order to deal with them, address the situation if I can, and have the wisdom to know what I can't change (serenity prayer).  There are a lot of things a privileged white male like myself can change.  However, the attitude and the disrespect the president shows toward protesters and people of color isn't something that I, with all my social and political clout, can do anything about.  I can rail against it in this blog, I can go to rallies and support my friends, and I can try my damndest to live my life in such a way that I am supportive in every way I can be to the ideologies that I believe in. 

I guess I've now, "told you why I'm mad."  Hope it's either informative or at the least not widening the divide between the alt right and us liberal snowflakes.

Have a good day,


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