Friday, August 18, 2017

Spreading happiness

Hi all,

Perhaps I find a bigger need to spread joy in my life because of my brain.  I have self imposed so much pain and guilt that sometimes the best way to alleviate my own pain is to bring joy to others.  So I try to do this.  I show people beauty, point at little miracles and find happiness and joy where others might not.  It's for me I guess, but being observant and talkative about it might help others to experience the awesome as well. 

I see the moon.  Even over portopotties, I can see the beauty in it.  I see dragonflies and glinting sun on water, and I can't help loving it.  I can't help but to exclaim to those near me about how awesome it is.  This might make me an incorrigible pain in the ass.  But it also means I'm living life fully, hoping others will exclaim their excitement too. 

There's my thought for the day.  Spread joy, happiness, and find those little miracles.  They're everywhere if you look.


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