Saturday, November 26, 2016

Post-prandial Thanksgiving-ness

Hi all,

I managed to not buy anything on black friday.  I was a hair's breadth away from trading my 2013 Tacoma and my girlfriend's Jeep patriot (08) in on a brand new charger and ram.  However.   We did the math, and it wasn't worth taking upside-down trades on both cars and living on Ramen for the next 6 years.  Or taking a 15% financing.  We went 'round and 'round, trying to figure out how to finance it and afford it, but at the end of the day, keeping the cars we have, at least in the short term, makes the most sense.  We can find cheap parts, fix Bob (the Patriot) and keep him happy-ish for a bit.  For instance, I've already found tires for 150 on Craigslist that are nearly new. 

In the words of Pat Green, "I'm for dusty old guitars, and boxers past their prime, I'm for takin' in that stray dog, who's been hangin' round a while,"  he also says it's good to get out of debt.  The shortest path to that is by keeping what I have, paying it off FAST (overpaying every month) and using it until it's actually, legitimately, dead.  Not trading an old car that's upside down for a new car that's even more so. 

Anyway, though this post seems kind of negative, it's actually positive.  Consumerism and the "American Dream" has been morphed into, "It must be new or it must be shit" but that's not the way this optimist wants to live.  I want old.  Quality.  And if there's anything I buy new, I expect it to last many many years.  Like an American Made Cannondale or Harley.  Or a Collins Axe, or DR bush mower.  Made of Beef.  And Cake. 

Have a great day, and good luck avoiding all the sales!


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