Thursday, November 24, 2016


Hi all,

Happy Thanksgiving!  I'm hoping for all of you that you can find peace, love and harmony today.  I find as I get older, I get more hippie-dippie in my outlook.  I mean, it's not like I hug trees (well, occasionally I do, but then I sometimes cut them down).  However, the older I get the more I wish for peace, balance, zen . . .  you know, the hippie stuff.  What I've noticed is that most conflict, stress, and difficulty can be avoided with some zen thinking, and if anything gets past that, it can still get handled with a little help from my friends.

I'm trying not to be bitter, as some of my friends have fallen away lately, others have sided with people who don't deserve it, and many people aren't loyal when you're down.  I guess, like sports fans, some friends only root for you when you're ok and friendship with you is easy (the people who only root for the Red Sox when they're winning).  True fans, and true friends, are with you no matter what.  Hopefully you can all find out who's really with you.  It's an important thing to discover.

Anyway, enough negativity.  I hope that you are all prosperous, improving, and warm today.  I hope you have all the food you need to feed you and everyone you know.  I'm personally hoping that I can find some ways to do good today, not just eat turkey and get fatter and more complacent.

Be well,


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