Thursday, December 15, 2016

Coffee and renewed optimism

Hi all,

Me again.  Sorry if you're tired of reading my thoughts by now, but I like putting them down.  It seems to help me focus for the day.  So here's today.

I can't start my fricking fire.  That's annoying.  I think I'm going to have to start fresh after removing all the ashes after work today.  It needs to be going for the arctic chill that's coming.

Luckily, I still have Jake the dog to keep me warm, and coffee for my hands.  It's been a nice morning.

I also have the privilege of teaching today, which I am trying to embrace, though it takes me away from my warm house with my snuggly puppy.  It also leads me into a milieu of hormonal middle school children in the weeks before the holidays, and it's interesting trying to wrangle all of them into a math lesson.  But it's a challenge I accept, each and every day when I wake up.  They deserve my best, and I will do my utmost to ensure that they are educated to the fullest of my ability.

Maybe I'm oversharing with this whole blog thing, but I like it.  It reminds me to think about what's important, and what I can live without.  For instance, even on this bitter cold morning, I have clothes, blankets, a warm dog and coffee, electricity, heat, a car with a butt warmer (thanks Audi for thinking of that) and the ability to become vertical and ventilating.  Compared to most of the world, I'm doing just fine.

Enjoy your day everybody!  And if it's going to be a shitake mushroom day, fry them in butter and hope they are delicious.


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