Sunday, December 18, 2016


Hi all,

I woke up (after sleeping until 6 this morning - rare for me) with a head cold.  Not a fun feeling, but I still try to find the bright side of it.  I know that without feeling this way sometimes, I might not appreciate the days when I feel great.  And maybe, with lots of water, tea and rest I can overcome it and be stronger eventually.

Anyhow, though I don't have a ton of motivation today, I do have some.  And I'm excited about a few things happening today, so I'll rest, hydrate and power through.  Because I should.  And because I can.  Every day is full of possibilities if I let myself dream.  It would be easy for me to just watch tv and do nothing today, but that would be crappy.  Bad for me, and lacking in possibility.  Even if it costs some money and makes me a bit uncomfortable, it's better than sitting at home doing nothing.  I get good conversation, maybe some new friends, and interaction with family.  All important stuff.

Have a great day all - I'm going to grab my guitar and do a bit of practice.


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