Monday, December 19, 2016


Hi all,

I wasn't particularly excited about coming in to work today.  I know, shocking.  However, the week before the holiday at school comes with some rare educational opportunities as well as some frustrating behavior.  I went out of my way to be nice to students and faculty alike today, and it has made all the difference.  Yes, there were several behavioral outbursts.  But I also was able to accomplish some real teaching and learning, mostly because I used my skill and persistence, as well as an unwavering belief that all of my students can succeed.  There are only 4 more days before the winter break, and I just know I can make a difference during that time.

It's a rare privilege to help shape the mind of a student, and I take it seriously.  I do, most days and in most ways, love what I do.  It's the nonsense that gets in the way of teaching that I dislike.  Especially because I teach an unpopular subject (math), and students take issue with the subject matter or are intimidated by it, there are conflicts.  It takes my best redirection, my most positive attitude, and my experience as an educator to keep students on task on a regular day.  But this week is when my mettle really gets tested.  I sell something that no one wants to buy, with a group of hormonal teenagers as my audience.  To do my job right, I have to be able to sell ice to Eskimos.  With sugar/caffeine rushes.  On a week where many of them have family things that stress them out.  While all they want to do is celebrate, and the last thing they want to do is learn another math lesson.

Anyhow, I welcome the challenge.  Let's see what next block brings.

Have a great day,


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