Saturday, December 24, 2016


Hi all,

I hope that you all are enjoying your time with friends and family this holiday season.  I'm trying to retain my optimism, but it's a little hard for me this year.  I suppose it's always the way of the holidays that we lament the loss of people who are no longer with us.  Strangely, this year I have many people who I miss despite the fact that they're still here.  Yet I feel their loss because they aren't as close as they used to be.  Or their lives and families have occupied their time.  That's as it should be, I suppose.  Maybe it's my fault for being too intransigent.  Or dreaming dreams that are too big. 

So, I've recommitted myself to thanking people who have helped me, or who make my life better.  People who care and show that they do.  I've written several letters this morning, and I want to keep my gratitude.  It's not every day that you are as lucky as I've been.  Though it isn't always clear, I hope that there's a reason.  I have to believe that the people who have been in my life were there because I needed them.  And maybe, if I'm even luckier, I will be able to be there for them in their time of need.  Perhaps my ability to empathize gives me my greatest strength, and my ability to help those who need it my biggest life goal.

Anyway, there are my musings for today.  Have a great day everybody,


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